Operating Company

Company Name9ZLabo Inc.
Ains Building Umeda 313, 1-8-24 Nakazaki-Nishi, Kita-ku, Osaka City, OsakaGoogle Map
* Please note that we do not accept inquiries by phone.
Establishment21 January 2021
Capital10,000 USD
Representative DirectorMotohiro Kawai
Number of employees12 (including part-time employees)
Business description
  • Production, development, planning, operation, management and consultancy of various services related to entertainment
  • Management of talent, models, influencers, YouTubers and Vtuber production
  • Video production, planning, filming, editing, development, planning, management and consultancy
  • Planning, development, production and sales of merchandise for talents, models, influencers, YouTubers and Vtubers
  • Planning, organizing, directing, managing and consulting for various events and seminars
  • Management of live music venues, theatres and filming studios, and provision of associated food and beverage facilities
  • All operations incidental to the above